Class LocationUtils


public class LocationUtils extends Object
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final org.bukkit.block.BlockFace[]
    An array of all the block faces which face in a single direction (positive X, negative X, etc.)
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static org.bukkit.Location
    center(org.bukkit.block.Block block)
    Returns the Location at the center of a Block - shorthand
    static org.bukkit.Location
    center(org.bukkit.Location loc)
    Sets the location's coordinates to the center point of its block coordinates, then returns it
    static void
    delayedTeleport(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, org.bukkit.Location loc, int ticks)
    Initiates a delayed teleport for a player which will be cancelled if the player moves.
    static void
    delayedTeleport(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, org.bukkit.Location loc, int ticks, Consumer<Boolean> result)
    Initiates a delayed teleport for a player which will be cancelled if the player moves.
    static List<org.bukkit.Location>
    directPathfind(org.bukkit.block.Block start, org.bukkit.block.Block end, int max)
    Finds the fastest path between a starting and ending location using A*, then removes unneeded steps for straight
    static List<org.bukkit.Location>
    directPathfind(org.bukkit.block.Block start, org.bukkit.block.Block end, int max, Predicate<org.bukkit.block.Block> filter)
    Finds the fastest path between a starting and ending location using A*, then removes unneeded steps for straight
    static org.bukkit.Location
    Converts a String back to a Location.
    static org.bukkit.Location
    fromString(String string, String separator)
    Converts a String back to a Location
    static void
    fromStringLater(String string, String separator, Consumer<org.bukkit.Location> callback)
    Loads a Location from a String.
    static void
    fromStringLater(String string, Consumer<org.bukkit.Location> callback)
    Loads a Location from a String.
    static int[]
    getChunkCoordinates(org.bukkit.Location loc)
    Gets the chunk X and Z of a location
    static org.bukkit.util.Vector
    getDirection(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace face)
    Gets the Vector direction of a BlockFace.
    static org.bukkit.Location
    getNearestSafeLocation(org.bukkit.Location loc, int maxDistance)
    Gets the nearest safe location to the given location within the given distance
    static org.bukkit.Location
    getNearestSafeLocation(org.bukkit.Location loc, int maxDistance, Predicate<org.bukkit.Location> filter)
    Gets the nearest safe location to the given location within the given distance passing the given predicate check
    static boolean
    isHazard(org.bukkit.Material type)
    Checks if a given block type is a hazard - whether it would damage the player if they were on top of it
    static boolean
    isSafe(org.bukkit.Location loc)
    Checks whether the given location is safe to teleport a player to - that a player would not be damaged as a result of being moved to this location
    static Deque<org.bukkit.Location>
    pathfind(org.bukkit.block.Block start, org.bukkit.block.Block end, int max)
    Finds the fastest path between a starting and ending location using A*
    static Deque<org.bukkit.Location>
    pathfind(org.bukkit.block.Block start, org.bukkit.block.Block end, int max, Predicate<org.bukkit.block.Block> filter)
    Finds the fastest path between a starting and ending location using A*
    static org.bukkit.Location
    toBlockLocation(org.bukkit.Location loc)
    Sets the location's coordinates to its block coordinates, then returns it
    static String
    toString(org.bukkit.block.Block block)
    Converts a Location to a String representing its location
    static String
    toString(org.bukkit.block.Block block, String separator)
    Converts a Location to a String representing its location
    static String
    toString(org.bukkit.Location loc)
    Converts a Location to a String.
    static String
    toString(org.bukkit.Location loc, String separator)
    Converts a Location to a String
    static void
    waitForWorld(String worldname, Consumer<org.bukkit.World> callback)
    Waits for a world with the given name to load before calling the callback

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final org.bukkit.block.BlockFace[] PRIMARY_BLOCK_FACES
      An array of all the block faces which face in a single direction (positive X, negative X, etc.)
  • Constructor Details

    • LocationUtils

      public LocationUtils()
  • Method Details

    • isHazard

      public static boolean isHazard(org.bukkit.Material type)
      Checks if a given block type is a hazard - whether it would damage the player if they were on top of it
      type - The type to check
      Whether the block type is a hazard
    • isSafe

      public static boolean isSafe(org.bukkit.Location loc)
      Checks whether the given location is safe to teleport a player to - that a player would not be damaged as a result of being moved to this location
      loc - The location to check
      Whether the given location is safe
    • getNearestSafeLocation

      public static org.bukkit.Location getNearestSafeLocation(org.bukkit.Location loc, int maxDistance, Predicate<org.bukkit.Location> filter)
      Gets the nearest safe location to the given location within the given distance passing the given predicate check
      loc - The location to find the nearest safe location to
      maxDistance - The maximum distance to check from this location
      filter - Used to filter safe locations that you still don't want to send the player to. Any locations this returns false for will be ignored.
      The nearest safe location, or null if one was not found
    • getNearestSafeLocation

      public static org.bukkit.Location getNearestSafeLocation(org.bukkit.Location loc, int maxDistance)
      Gets the nearest safe location to the given location within the given distance
      loc - The location to find the nearest safe location to
      maxDistance - The maximum distance to check from this location
      The nearest safe location, or null if one was not found
    • getDirection

      public static org.bukkit.util.Vector getDirection(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace face)
      Gets the Vector direction of a BlockFace. For use in versions below 1.13.
      face - The block face
      The vector representing the direction
    • delayedTeleport

      public static void delayedTeleport(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, org.bukkit.Location loc, int ticks, Consumer<Boolean> result)
      Initiates a delayed teleport for a player which will be cancelled if the player moves. The messages relevant to this will be sent automatically.
      player - The player to teleport
      loc - The location to teleport the player to after the delay
      ticks - The delay for the teleport, in ticks
      result - A lambda to handle the result, given true if the teleport succeeded, false otherwise
    • delayedTeleport

      public static void delayedTeleport(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, org.bukkit.Location loc, int ticks)
      Initiates a delayed teleport for a player which will be cancelled if the player moves. The messages relevant to this will be sent automatically.
      player - The player to teleport
      loc - The location to teleport the player to after the delay
      ticks - The delay for the teleport, in ticks
    • toString

      public static String toString(org.bukkit.Location loc, String separator)
      Converts a Location to a String
      loc - The Location to be stringified
      separator - The separator to use between pieces of information
      The stringified Location
    • fromString

      public static org.bukkit.Location fromString(String string, String separator)
      Converts a String back to a Location
      string - The stringified Location
      separator - The separator that was used in toString
      The Location
    • toString

      public static String toString(org.bukkit.block.Block block, String separator)
      Converts a Location to a String representing its location
      block - The Block location to be stringified
      separator - The separator to use between pieces of information
      The stringified location
    • toString

      public static String toString(org.bukkit.block.Block block)
      Converts a Location to a String representing its location
      block - The Block location to be stringified
      The stringified location
    • fromStringLater

      public static void fromStringLater(String string, String separator, Consumer<org.bukkit.Location> callback)
      Loads a Location from a String. If the world this Location is in is not yet loaded, waits for it to load, then passes the Location to the callback.
      string - The String to be parsed into a Location
      separator - The separator used when converting this Location to a String
      callback - The callback to use the Location once it has been loaded
    • center

      public static org.bukkit.Location center(org.bukkit.block.Block block)
      Returns the Location at the center of a Block - shorthand
      block - The Block to get the center of
      The center of the Block
    • toBlockLocation

      public static org.bukkit.Location toBlockLocation(org.bukkit.Location loc)
      Sets the location's coordinates to its block coordinates, then returns it
      loc - The location
      The block location
    • center

      public static org.bukkit.Location center(org.bukkit.Location loc)
      Sets the location's coordinates to the center point of its block coordinates, then returns it
      loc - The location
      The block location
    • fromStringLater

      public static void fromStringLater(String string, Consumer<org.bukkit.Location> callback)
      Loads a Location from a String. If the world this Location is in is not yet loaded, waits for it to load, then passes the Location to the callback.
      string - The String to be parsed into a Location
      callback - The callback to use the Location once it has been loaded
    • toString

      public static String toString(org.bukkit.Location loc)
      Converts a Location to a String. The same as calling toString(Location, " ")
      loc - The Location to be stringified
      The stringified Location
    • fromString

      public static org.bukkit.Location fromString(String string)
      Converts a String back to a Location. The same as calling fromString(String, " ")
      string - The stringified Location
      The Location
    • waitForWorld

      public static void waitForWorld(String worldname, Consumer<org.bukkit.World> callback)
      Waits for a world with the given name to load before calling the callback
      worldname - The name of the world
      callback - A callback to be passed the world when it loads
    • getChunkCoordinates

      public static int[] getChunkCoordinates(org.bukkit.Location loc)
      Gets the chunk X and Z of a location
      loc - The location to get the chunk coordinates of
      An array containing the chunk coordinates [x, z]
    • directPathfind

      public static List<org.bukkit.Location> directPathfind(org.bukkit.block.Block start, org.bukkit.block.Block end, int max, Predicate<org.bukkit.block.Block> filter)
      Finds the fastest path between a starting and ending location using A*, then removes unneeded steps for straight
      start - The starting block
      end - The ending block
      max - The max number of locations to be checked - use to limit runtime
      filter - A filter to determine which blocks are passable
      A List of locations leading from the start to the end, or the closest block if the path could not be completed
    • directPathfind

      public static List<org.bukkit.Location> directPathfind(org.bukkit.block.Block start, org.bukkit.block.Block end, int max)
      Finds the fastest path between a starting and ending location using A*, then removes unneeded steps for straight
      start - The starting block
      end - The ending block
      max - The max number of locations to be checked - use to limit runtime
      A List of locations leading from the start to the end, or the closest block if the path could not be completed
    • pathfind

      public static Deque<org.bukkit.Location> pathfind(org.bukkit.block.Block start, org.bukkit.block.Block end, int max)
      Finds the fastest path between a starting and ending location using A*
      start - The starting block
      end - The ending block
      max - The max number of locations to be checked - use to limit runtime
      A Deque of locations leading from the start to the end, or the closest block if the path could not be completed
    • pathfind

      public static Deque<org.bukkit.Location> pathfind(org.bukkit.block.Block start, org.bukkit.block.Block end, int max, Predicate<org.bukkit.block.Block> filter)
      Finds the fastest path between a starting and ending location using A*
      start - The starting block
      end - The ending block
      max - The max number of locations to be checked - use to limit runtime
      filter - A filter to determine which blocks are passable
      A Deque of locations leading from the start to the end, or the closest block if the path could not be completed