Class SQLHelper

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class SQLHelper extends Object implements Closeable
Wraps a Connection and offers helpful methods that don't need to be surrounded in a try/catch
  • Constructor Details

    • SQLHelper

      public SQLHelper(Connection connection)
      Constructs a SQLHelper from a Connection. Get the Connection using one of the static SQLHelper open methods.
      connection - The SQL Connection to wrap
  • Method Details

    • openSQLite

      public static Connection openSQLite(Path file)
      Opens a SQLite database file
      file - The path to the SQLite database file
      The Connection to this SQLite database
    • openMySQL

      public static Connection openMySQL(String ip, int port, String username, String password, String database)
      Opens a connection to a MySQL database
      ip - The IP address to connect to
      port - The port to connect to
      username - The username to log in with
      password - The password to log in with
      database - The database to use, will be created if it doesn't exist
      The Connection to the MySQL database
    • openMySQL

      public static Connection openMySQL(String username, String password, String database)
      Opens a connection to a MySQL database at localhost:3306
      username - The username to log in with
      password - The password to log in with
      database - The database to use, will be created if it doesn't exist
      The Connection to the MySQL database
    • createCache

      public SQLCache createCache(String tableName, String columnName, String... primaryKeyNames)
      Creates and adds cache for a certain column
      tableName - The name of the table to create the cache for
      columnName - The name of the column to create the cache for
      primaryKeyNames - The primary keys used to access and mutate the column
      The cache
    • flushMatchingCaches

      public void flushMatchingCaches(String pattern, Object... primaryKeys)
      Finds matching caches by a pattern and flushes a specific entry from them.
      pattern - The pattern used for getMatchingCaches(String)
      primaryKeys - The primary keys used to access the entry
    • removeFromMatchingCaches

      public void removeFromMatchingCaches(String pattern, Object... primaryKeys)
      Finds matching caches by a pattern and removes a specific entry from them. Useful for saving targeted cached rows when a column in a certain table is changed
      pattern - The pattern used for getMatchingCaches(String)
      primaryKeys - The primary keys used to access the entry
    • flushAndRemoveFromMatchingCaches

      public void flushAndRemoveFromMatchingCaches(String pattern, Object... primaryKeys)
      Finds matching caches by a pattern and flushes, then removes a specific entry from them.
      pattern - The pattern used for getMatchingCaches(String)
      primaryKeys - The primary keys used to access the entry
    • getMatchingCaches

      public List<SQLCache> getMatchingCaches(String pattern)
      Gets the caches matching a pattern
      pattern - The pattern to match. Should be formatted as "tableName.primaryKeyColumnName". Use * to indicate all for either tableName or columnName. Use | to indicate or. Primary key column name matches any primary key with the given column name. Useful if you are updating a value in a table and want to flush/remove targeted values from the cache. Example: *.name|team
      The list of matching caches
    • getCaches

      public List<SQLCache> getCaches()
      The list of caches for this SQLHelper
    • flushAllCaches

      public void flushAllCaches()
      Calls SQLCache.flush() on all caches owned by this SQLHelper
    • clearAllCaches

      public void clearAllCaches()
      Calls SQLCache.clear() on all caches owned by this SQLHelper
    • execute

      public void execute(String command, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed
      command - The SQL command to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
    • executeUpdate

      public int executeUpdate(String command, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed
      command - The SQL command to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      The number of updated rows
    • querySingleResult

      public <T> T querySingleResult(String query, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed, returning the value in the first column of the first row in the results
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type to cast the return value to
      query - The SQL query to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      The value in the first column of the first row of the returned results, or null if none is present
    • querySingleResultString

      public String querySingleResultString(String query, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed, returning the value in the first column of the first row in the results as a String.
      query - The SQL query to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      The String in the first column of the first row of the returned results, or null if none is present Note: This method exists because ResultSet.getObject(int) can return an Integer if the String in the column can be parsed into one.
    • querySingleResultBytes

      public byte[] querySingleResultBytes(String query, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed, returning the value in the first column of the first row in the results as a Bytes.
      query - The SQL query to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      The bytes in the first column of the first row of the returned results, or null if none is present
    • querySingleResultLong

      public Long querySingleResultLong(String query, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed, returning the value in the first column of the first row in the results as a Long.
      query - The SQL query to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      The String in the first column of the first row of the returned results, or null if none is present Note: This method exists because ResultSet.getObject(int) can return an Integer if the Long in the column can be parsed into one.
    • queryResultList

      public <T> List<T> queryResultList(String query, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed, returning a list of values in the first column of each row in the results
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type to populate the list with and return
      query - The SQL query to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      A list of the value in the first column of each row returned by the query
    • queryResultStringList

      public List<String> queryResultStringList(String query, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed, returning a String list of values in the first column of each row in the results
      query - The SQL query to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      A String list of the value in the first column of each row returned by the query Note: This method exists because ResultSet.getObject(int) can return an Integer if the String in the column can be parsed into one.
    • queryResults

      public SQLHelper.Results queryResults(String query, Object... fields)
      Executes a SQL query as a prepared statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed. Returns a SQLHelper.Results, which wraps a ResultSet for easier use
      query - The SQL query to execute
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      The results of the query
    • getConnection

      public Connection getConnection()
      The Connection this SQLHelper wraps
    • setAutoCommit

      public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit)
      Sets the wrapped connection's auto-commit property. Calling this method will automatically disable the task started by setCommitInterval(int).
      autoCommit - The auto-commit property - whether it will commit with every command
    • isAutoCommit

      public boolean isAutoCommit()
      The auto-commit property of the wrapped connection
    • setCommitInterval

      public void setCommitInterval(int ticks)
      Starts a task to call commit() on this SQLHelper every n ticks. Pass -1 to disable. Automatically sets autoCommit to false.
      ticks - The number of ticks between commits, or -1 to disable
    • commit

      public void commit()
      Flushes all caches and commits the transaction
    • prepareStatement

      public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String query, Object... fields)
      Prepares a statement, setting its fields to the elements of the vararg passed
      query - The SQL query to prepare
      fields - A vararg of the fields to set in the prepared statement
      The PreparedStatement with its fields set
    • close

      public void close()
      Closes the underlying connection this SQLHelper wraps
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable